I want to be like THIS!

“None of us live on an island.” (Well, some of you may actually live on an island . But you know what I mean.) Our lives impact each other. And I am so thankful for the people, over the years, whose deep love for Jesus has so greatly impacted my life. They have caused meContinue reading “I want to be like THIS!”

My thoughts on the “He Gets Us” ad…

It’s hard to navigate this world. We know evil is coming at us all day long. We know false teachers abound. We know Satan is still after hearts and souls and doing all he can to keep the lost from the One True God. The Bible tells us false teaching will increase in the latterContinue reading “My thoughts on the “He Gets Us” ad…”

Be BOLD in a GOOD way!

I suppose we all have our own list of reasons we fail to talk about Jesus and what the Bible says is true when we could. Maybe we don’t feel prepared. Maybe we leave it up to the preachers. Maybe we hate conflict and want everyone to like us. Maybe we are afraid our businessesContinue reading “Be BOLD in a GOOD way!”

When they call you names…

A while back, a young, full of himself and this world person, called me “”Karen” after I had written something he didn’t like. While he meant it in a derogatory way, I smiled because one of the most godly women I have ever known was named “Karen”. She is with Jesus now, and she wasContinue reading “When they call you names…”

You can’t be NEUTRAL on your FAITH.

You can’t be neutral in your faith. If it impacts you, you should want it to impact those you care about. John Piper went so far as to say, “If you don’t want people to believe what you believe about God, your views of Him are not functionally significant for you.” The fact is, ifContinue reading “You can’t be NEUTRAL on your FAITH.”

When the Hard Things Pile Up

Sometimes, the hard things pile up, and we can feel like Job. Even those who don’t read the Bible know about the tragedies of Job. In the midst of it all, the Bible tells us, Job walked forward, but could not see God. He looked backward, but could not perceive Him. (Job 23:8) Where wasContinue reading “When the Hard Things Pile Up”

Is God shaking us?

As craziness and immorality continues to be justified and celebrated in this country, and scary things continue to happen around us, I’ve wondered if God is shaking us. There’s part of me that still holds out hope that better days will come through the election of God-fearing leaders. But that hope has continued to dwindle.Continue reading “Is God shaking us?”

Was it Christmas when they did what they did?

I think of this story every Christmas. I guess I wonder if it was Christmas-time when they did what they did. I am forever thankful. How I wish I knew their names. I’m sure they are walking the streets of glory now with the Savior, but I wonder if they know how very much theyContinue reading “Was it Christmas when they did what they did?”

He is doing what He promised.

The things which are impossible with men are possible with God”. (Luke 18:27) Lately, I see so much that seems impossible, and wrong. How dark the world seems right now. Just turn on the news and you’ll know what I mean. (Or, maybe don’t 😳) But how dark, how impossible, it surely seemed over twoContinue reading “He is doing what He promised.”

The Mathematical Probability of the Prophecies

Do you know these words from the prophet Isaiah were written 700 years before Jesus was born?? Isaiah 9:2The people walking in darknesshave seen a great light;on those living in the land of the shadow of deatha light has dawned.Isaiah 9:6-7For to us a child is born,to us a son is given,and the government willContinue reading “The Mathematical Probability of the Prophecies”

In the Midst of Suffering, seeing God…

I sit thinking of friend after friend.Story after story.Every one of them.Not one of them came another way. Those I know well, who love God so deeply, whose trust is rock-solid, who possess the sweetest peace and unshakable hope…they each have this in common—they came the way of suffering. I bet you know them too.Continue reading “In the Midst of Suffering, seeing God…”

Do they know why we celebrate?

The Messiah sat surrounded by the Pharisees and teachers of the law. The crowd surrounded the place and pushed in. I wonder if the buttoned-up religious leaders had to dust off their shoulders as debris surely began to fall from the ceiling as the tiles in the ceiling were removed. Did Jesus chuckle to HimselfContinue reading “Do they know why we celebrate?”

She only ever lost two bar fights…

She was a drug dealer. So, how could we have possibly imagined what happened? Everyone in her small town knew just how bad she had wrecked her life. She had even lost her kids. Many, probably thought her addictions too strong, and that she was a lost cause. TooFarGone But as she walked about town,Continue reading “She only ever lost two bar fights…”

All of us…

I’m up early. The lights of the Christmas tree glow and the smell of a cinnamon candle fills the room. But, as I open my Bible back to Matthew, I’m reminded once again that this is not my home. As comfortable as it can feel sometimes, this is not our home. Across the street, myContinue reading “All of us…”

Be Ready and He Will.

Jesus continues in His talk about the End of Days, not with a specific date, or hidden calculator as some are inclined to hope, but with parables about being ready (Matt 24:52-Matt 25:13). He says, “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.” (MattContinue reading “Be Ready and He Will.”

The Encouragement of Prophecy in Matthew 24

I’ve been pondering it for days. Years really. For every time I read Matthew 24, I come away thinking, I don’t clearly understand. But this time, as I work through commentaries and pray through it all, one suggestion strikes me as certainly plausible. Perhaps the Word, Jesus, in talking about the Second Coming is intentionallyContinue reading “The Encouragement of Prophecy in Matthew 24”

Whose SON is HE?

“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matt 22:42) Friend, we can’t just move past those words. Slow down. Pay attention. What do you really think? “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matt 22:42) For if the Christ, the Christ of this Christmas we are aboutContinue reading “Whose SON is HE?”

Let’s remember and let’s encourage one another!

It’s sad and scary. The Parable of the Marriage Feast. Jesus has told several parables about His coming to earth to save sinners (Matt 21-22), when we come to this one about a King preparing a great marriage feast for his son and sending out invitations. But the people, “they made light of it.” (MattContinue reading “Let’s remember and let’s encourage one another!”

When His Love Overflows

I love God. I need Him every day. I’ve seen Him be faithful. He’s used His Word to lift my head, direct my steps, and comfort my heart.  One day, I just started sharing what the Lord is teaching me on my Facebook page. Today, there are almost 9,000 that follow along there and othersContinue reading “When His Love Overflows”

Clash of Good and Evil and The Eerie Silence of Christians

The clash between good and evil has never been more apparent in my lifetime, nor has silence of those who call themselves, Christians, been more eerie. Like many of you, I want to look away. I want to think about Thanksgiving menus and Christmas decorating. I want to pretend that this world, that my kidsContinue reading “Clash of Good and Evil and The Eerie Silence of Christians”