Let’s hear it for the MEN!

Dear young men— We so appreciate you standing up for this country and our flag and inspiring others to do the same. Those who have discriminated against you, those who have called your masculinity toxic, and those who have done their gut-level best to belittle your God-given gender in every way they can are, themselves,Continue reading “Let’s hear it for the MEN!”

HOPE for us and this nation.

Our country feels kind of hopeless right now. But I don’t have to look further than my own family to know Jesus can change things quickly. I thought about my cousin. He’s a pastor. A while back we had sat together and talked about Jesus, the Word, and the world. His tattoo reads, “Finish Well.”Continue reading “HOPE for us and this nation.”

Clash of Good and Evil and The Eerie Silence of Christians

The clash between good and evil has never been more apparent in my lifetime, nor has silence of those who call themselves, Christians, been more eerie. Like many of you, I want to look away. I want to think about Thanksgiving menus and Christmas decorating. I want to pretend that this world, that my kidsContinue reading “Clash of Good and Evil and The Eerie Silence of Christians”

Are you hiding too?

Someone recently told me to “Stop hiding behind your God” when I would not agree with them, that something God clearly calls sin in His Word, was not actually sin. I know this person intended to insult me with the choice of words, but oddly, I felt myself almost smiling at the thought. For IContinue reading “Are you hiding too?”

It’s so very difficult, but we know the way we should take.

Jesus speaks encouraging then sobering words—“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” (Matt 10:32-33) Jesus goes on to explain how His coming will impact the world—Continue reading “It’s so very difficult, but we know the way we should take.”

Why are so many young adults walking away?

Many young adults are walking away from the church–deciding the world has so much more to offer. Why? Why are so many young adults deciding Jesus really isn’t for them? Perhaps they are willing to “sell Him so cheaply” because they also bought into Him so cheaply. Have we failed a generation by entertaining themContinue reading “Why are so many young adults walking away?”

What if he said this?

“Brood of Vipers” …can you imagine being called that? Imagine the preacher walking up to the podium, looking the congregation square in the eye and saying, “Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We haveContinue reading “What if he said this?”

Are we sitting by while they are being stoned?

Stephen had just preached the truth (Acts 7). He had meticulously explained how Jesus was prophecy fulfilled, the coming Righteous One, and how the “stiff-necked people” had rejected Him. The people were enraged. But Stephen did not shrink back. And the people, upon hearing truth, “stopped their ears”, and they stoned Stephen to death. And,Continue reading “Are we sitting by while they are being stoned?”

Our world is in need of HEROES of the FAITH!

Paul says,”hold such men in esteem” (Phil 2:29) Hold such men in esteem. What kind of men? Well, men and women like Epaphroditus. Epaphroditus didn’t only have a strange name, he was a rare one. He’s only mentioned once in the Bible (Phil 2:25). But this much is clear from the text, Epaphroditus was rare,Continue reading “Our world is in need of HEROES of the FAITH!”

But there is a WAR out there!

I’d like to sit here under my fall blanket, watching the flame from my cider-flavored candle burn, and forget about the crazy world out there. But I can’t. And I wonder if we understand what we are seeing— parents rights being threatened, gender roles being muddied, and “experts” and politicians promoting ridiculous things, are butContinue reading “But there is a WAR out there!”

Are you raising kids who will be able to stand in hard days?

This remains one of the most shared things I’ve ever written. In these hard days, I felt it important to share again. It’s hard truth, but there is HOPE! —- They are some of the most miserable people I know–young adults who haven’t really picked a side. They try to live in two worlds—the oneContinue reading “Are you raising kids who will be able to stand in hard days?”

The thing is…I trust God more than me.

I’m sad. I just read a post by a woman who used to work at my children’s Christian school. Their CHRISTIAN school. This woman was gushingly celebrating her lesbian couple friends, saying she’s “never witnessed a love like theirs” and characterized their relationship as a “kind of holiness”. This woman has heard truth, but sheContinue reading “The thing is…I trust God more than me.”

God Help Us

These photos were taken at real events, one called “Drag them to Pride” where transgendered persons danced on stages as young children were encouraged to stuff money in their underwear while signs flashed perverted messages that read it’s “not gonna lick itself”. Are you sickened? Is this not child abuse? How can we sit idlyContinue reading “God Help Us”

Where is this world headed?

Where is this world headed? A Fox News alert scrolls across the screen — Putin is attacking the Ukraine, China is making noise about Taiwan, our president is fumbling. I find myself dismayed, almost distraught, really. Questions race through my mind, “Where is our country going? What will this world look like when my kidsContinue reading “Where is this world headed?”

Gender Identity-Regardless of what we call ourselves, the Creator calls the shots

“So God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.” (Gen 1:27) Male.Female. “God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply” (Gen 1:28) “God saw everything THAT HE HAD MADE, and indeed it was very good”. (Gen 1:31) When menContinue reading “Gender Identity-Regardless of what we call ourselves, the Creator calls the shots”

I personally recommend this exercise program.

About this time every year, I start thinking about diet and exercise. Anybody else? But you know, strenuous spiritual exercise is better than physical exercise. This is powerful.This is supernatural.And it’s TRUE.And it’s in the Bible. Paul says to “exercise yourself toward godliness” (4:7). The dear old Apostle uses words like train, toil, and strive—Continue reading “I personally recommend this exercise program.”

Let’s hold that up to some sunlight and share what we see!

It’s very likely the Apostle Paul would find himself in trouble in our culture as he did in his. Given the opportunity to stand for truth or remain safely accepted by this world, Paul chose to be a truth-teller. He probably would have had his Twitter suspended and his ministry page on Facebook restricted ifContinue reading “Let’s hold that up to some sunlight and share what we see!”

Something is off in this country, do you sense it?

Something is off.Wrong.I feel it in my spirit. I look at our world, specifically at our country, and I see things happening at a pace I never thought possible. Do you see it too? Fewer and fewer people are thinking for themselves or even have the opportunity to do so. Instead, hidden minions, working behindContinue reading “Something is off in this country, do you sense it?”