Whose SON is HE?

“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matt 22:42)

Friend, we can’t just move past those words. Slow down. Pay attention. What do you really think?

“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matt 22:42)

For if the Christ, the Christ of this Christmas we are about to celebrate, is truly the Son of God, there are profound implications not to be ignored!

As Jesus continues to turn the tables on the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matt 22), He asks them the question all of us must answer.

For if Christ is truly the Son of the Most High God who came to earth in human form to defeat death on a Cross, and who rose again as recorded by many witnesses; then we must consider how this truth should impact our lives.

We know the disciples who surrounded Him refused to deny His deity, for all but one died a martyrs death.

And since that time tens of thousands of others have given their lives, both figuratively and literally, for the cause of Christ.

And what else can explain the radical life change we see around us—addictions broken and marriages restored for those who dare to hope in the Son of God?

Yes, for many, like Peter, we have answered this question, knowing Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God (Matt 16:16) but we know others around us who have ignored this question.

But as we prepare to celebrate Christ this Christmas among people walking in darkness, and as we read prophecies about the Second Coming of Christ, may our lips dare to ask those we encounter to consider the question Jesus asked, “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matt 22:42)

May we be prepared to give an answer for the hope this truth causes us to have!

And though the world is full of trouble, scary and crazy trouble, may those who have been saved by the Son of God remember we have so very MUCH TO CELEBRATE!

May we truly be thankful this Thanksgiving for the many blessings of knowing the Son of the Living God and may we prepare our hearts to tell of the Christ of Christmas…the Son of the Living God.



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