All of us…

I’m up early. The lights of the Christmas tree glow and the smell of a cinnamon candle fills the room.

But, as I open my Bible back to Matthew, I’m reminded once again that this is not my home. As comfortable as it can feel sometimes, this is not our home.

Across the street, my mom sits with my dad. Dementia has been extra hard the past few days. He’s been more confused. He is restless, continually asking to leave, though he is home. It is so sad.

And I’m reminded, once again, when hard moments come , this really is not our home.

I have to deliberately remind myself in both the sweet, distracting moments and in the gut-wrenchingly rough ones, this is not home. It’s not.

And because of that, I have to ask the Lord to order the day and help me be about His will regardless of the circumstances. Jesus talked of this in the Parable of the Talents (Matt 25:14-30).

Jesus is really clear about using where we are and what we have to further the Kingdom. He is adamant, in fact, that this is not merely a suggestion but how Christ followers are all to live.

Our time, talents, resources are all different, but each of us have opportunities to take what we have and use it to bring glory to Jesus.

I think about my mom as her days are so very hard. She continually cares for the physical, mental and emotional needs of my dad. In many ways, the love of her life is now like a toddler. Dementia is horrific and the emotional and physical toll on the caregivers is grueling.

But though my mom serves day in and day out in the confines of their home, her kids and grandkids are being taught so much about the grace and mercy and strength of the Lord as we watch her rely on God daily to carry her through.

My mom is serving the Lord as she serves my dad. My mom isn’t standing on a stage or writing a book, but she is bringing a harvest as her faithful reliance on God is challenging us all to love our families well and trust Him to give us what we need to do that even when it’s hard.

And I’m convinced that all of us have the opportunity, regardless of our circumstances, to take what we’ve been given and live for Jesus in a way that brings a harvest. And as we do, like my mom, we will find our Faithful Father will carry us and give us peace.


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