No longer just words on a page…

I sit thinking of friend after friend.Story after story.Every one of them.Not one of them came another way. Those I know well, who love God so deeply, whose trust is rock-solid, who possess the sweetest peace and unshakable hope…they each have this in common—they came the way of suffering. I bet you know them too.Continue reading “No longer just words on a page…”

I wonder if it was Christmas-time when they did what they did.

I think of this story every Christmas. I guess I wonder if it was Christmas-time when they did what they did. I am forever thankful. How I wish I knew their names. I’m sure they are walking the streets of glory now with the Savior, but I wonder if they know how very much theyContinue reading “I wonder if it was Christmas-time when they did what they did.”

Light in the Darkness

The house is still and dark.No one else is up. There’s nothing quite like the Christmas lights in the darkness. I soak up this moment sitting by my tree.….nothing quite like LIGHT in the darkness. I’m drawn to it. Are you? Sitting in the stillness, I’m reminded of the words from Zechariah’s holy prophecy, theContinue reading “Light in the Darkness”

What the Bible told us would happen has happened.

The tide has shifted and what the Bible has told us would happen, has happened. Why am I shocked that what is wrong is called “right” and what’s right is called “wrong”? Things are happening just as God told us they would. And no longer can we simply agree to disagree in our culture. EitherContinue reading “What the Bible told us would happen has happened.”

I almost didn’t write this.

It’s controversial.Many churches refuse to do it. It certainly isn’t popular, or politically correct, in our world today. But Paul, emphatically commanded Christians to withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly (2 Thess 3:6) That’s kind of a big subject that he places at the end of his letter. Honestly, part of me was temptedContinue reading “I almost didn’t write this.”

his words took me back…

His words took me back to a place I haven’t been in years.“But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.” (2Thess 3:3) Many years ago, I sat surrounded by family and church friends at my parents home. They had come there to try to comfort me… toContinue reading “his words took me back…”

Unplanned post (after last night)

Are you worried about where our country is headed? Especially after the debate last night? A Fox News alert scrolls across the screen– another election poll, another crisis, another government scandal. I find myself dismayed, almost distraught, really. Questions race through my mind, “Where is our country going? What will this world look like whenContinue reading “Unplanned post (after last night)”

The hero arrives on the scene

We all love the moment the hero arrives on the scene. And this is the true story of one such moment. Daniel’s three friends have refused to worship the king’s false god and this enraged him. He has a fiery furnace heated seven times hotter than normal. The three friends are bound and thrown intoContinue reading “The hero arrives on the scene”


Yesterday, was a magical day. I watched my daughter try on wedding dresses. How did time go by so very fast? At one point, the sweet attendant helping us suggested we take a “brain break” and for Abi to select a dress to try on that she’d “never wear”. Sadly, there were quite a fewContinue reading “Don’t be BOOBAFOOLISH!”

Know this…

The two disciples who had walked with the resurrected Jesus on the road to Emmaus, found the eleven (original disciples) gathered with other believers and exclaimed the Savior to be alive! (Luke 24:32-35) Then, while the two were still speaking, as John tells us in a “locked room” (John 20:19), Jesus appears standing in theContinue reading “Know this…”