Bad News for the Lukewarm

Things are weird. Hard. Confrontation. Chaos. Uncertainty.

Are we approaching a time where we must pick a side?

It has been easy for Christians to love America for so long because, in the past, she has loved the things of God.

However, more and more, our nation has been changing—drifting, sometimes running 100 mph, away from the things of God.

But so have many of our churches.

Many have watered down the truth, and from the pulpit, speak only feel-good, fill-the-pew messages– rarely challenging those who ignore, justify and even celebrate sin.

Church after church has walked away from scripture…just like the world has.

Furthermore, many church members have been so busy filling our lives with so many of the “good” things this country has to offer that we’ve just been too distracted to notice how far this “good” country has walked away from God.

Yet, those days of silence and “ignorant bliss” are fleeting.

The Kingdom of God is still powerfully advancing, and the time is coming where we will be forced to pick a side.

This is bad news for those churches and individuals who have been happy in their lukewarm, sugared-down, secular Christianity.

Straddling the fence will become more painful. The Bible says, “a double-minded man is unstable in all he does” (James 1:8).

Like it or not, the times we are living in will cause us all to make a choice: Are you a true follower of Christ or not?

There are still truth-preaching churches seeking to point to a freedom-giving, real relationship with Jesus (not wishy-washy seeker-friendly religion). Be a part of one.

There are still those who have been set free and want to live their lives so others will see the Hope Giver as well. Hang out with them.

But our times are soberly highlighting the difference in true followers of Christ and those who are not.

Those who call Jesus,Lord, will continue to feel more like “aliens and strangers” in this world and in our country. God tells us, in His Word, to expect times just like this as He prepares to return for His children.

These times, we are living, are a “wake up call” to us all.

Casual Christianity is a thing of the past.
As churches and as individuals we are either all-in or missing the boat. This is a time, more than ever, to be able to give an answer for the hope that we have – and we do indeed have hope!

His Name is above all Names. He isn’t the god of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or secularism. He isn’t the pick and choose god. He says who He is in His Word and He means what He says. He is the god of all of the Bible and everything He says is for our good.

It is time for Christians to get our voices back and stand on rock-solid truth!

Let’s also be honest, it is time to give up the idea that the message of Christianity will ever be popular or politically acceptable.

Christianity is divisive. Jesus Himself said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6).

He tells us we have a choice in how we live, and there are consequences to those choices: “ Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.” (Romans 8:5-8).

Friend, we are either for God or against Him. There is life and peace only with Him.

And for those who are for Him – the message has not changed.

He is the hope this lost world needs- those seeking satisfaction in our materialistic world, those chasing satisfaction through money, sex and fame; those who think a same-sex marriage or different gender will make them happy, those who think killing babies is an acceptable choice– God loves ALL of them(they need to know that), and they will only ever find true satisfaction, true hope and true joy in the One True God – Jesus Christ.

The question is–Will they see Him in us?

Can we finally learn how to stand up for truth while truly loving the sinner and hating the sin?

Will we give in to the temptation to run from the battle and get lost in our own little Pinterest worlds?

Will we fall apart in the persecution that may come? Or will we be so connected to the Source of our strength that we wisely walk in, what may continue to be very difficult days, for true followers of Jesus?

But, may we first in our hearts, set apart Christ as Lord before we ever open our mouths (I Peter 3:5).

Indeed, the Kingdom of God is powerfully advancing.

What will you do? What will you say?

May we be filled with love and mercy, but may we also not neglect to speak truth.

May we be the light of Jesus to a world walking in darkness. “No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.” Luke 8:16.

May we cast all our anxiety on God, and walk confidently in Him because He cares for us.

And the One who cares for us… victory is indeed His. His is the Kingdom that is powerfully advancing. May we be a people who follow our victorious King and bring others to Him.



Prayers appreciated.

2 thoughts on “Bad News for the Lukewarm

  1. I read this in God’s perfect timing. Thank you for speaking truth ! I am having to pick a side now with my own child. Please pray for us.

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