Remember WHO you’re talking to…

Many of us are concerned as we look at our world.

I see people posting about praying who typically do not do such things.

Hard times certainly cause us to look for help anywhere we can get it and to think about the fragility of life and eternity.

And, many reason, “Heaven sounds like a no-brainer”.

They think, “grace – who wouldn’t take some of that?”

BUT, we should be careful to think we can approach God for what He can fix in this world, or what He can do for us in the next, and ignore the rest of what He says.

This is intellectually dishonest, and could mean you don’t actually know the Lord.

Oh friend, in the kindest way possible let me ask you, ….How is it logical to pray to a God we think is powerful enough to help us, but then ignore most of what He says in His Word!?

If you can skip past when He says, “Deny yourself. Take up your cross and follow me” (Matt 16:24) (Meaning- “HIS way over your way”) Is He really Lord of your life?

To be more clear-If you are not seeking to follow God in all that He says– is He really your Lord and Savior or just some little “g”, “genie” god who you want to grant your wishes, and keep you from worrying about this world, and what happens after you die?

Do you really just want God to do what you tell Him and leave you alone otherwise?

Do you know Jesus, in real relationship, as Lord and Savior, or do you just know about Him? The Bible says the demons know about him and shudder (James 2:19).

Here’s the thing, just knowing about Jesus, just believing in His existence, is not salvation.

Is He Lord of your life? Have you surrendered all you know of you to all you know of Him?

In all your ways do you acknowledge Him so He will make your paths straight?(Prov 3:6)

For as you do, you really can cast your cares on Him, for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

And, when Jesus is Lord of your life, you will find peace that makes no earthly sense when you look at all the hard things going on in this temporary world.

“The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:6-7)

As the song says, “Remember who you’re talking to…the only One who death bows to!” (Remember, Torwalt)

One thought on “Remember WHO you’re talking to…

  1. Am trying to read past blogs.
    This one reminds me of almost a year ago when I was invoved in a mva. I am unaware how or why, or some events after. When I heard my injuries I know that God was my Savior that day. Usually I would be anxious about it all. That recovery period and since I have been relaxed. Some of your blogs must have been a help.
    I have read about cruelty all over the world, not just in Ukraine. I have difficulty knowing where to donate. For a while now I have been listening to a Christian radio station. If I pray, fast, et al that I read about and hear about I would get nothing else done.


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