a dark day

Today marks another anniversary of an awful decision.

The decision our country made to legalize abortion and usher in waves of pain to those who live with its‘ memory.

And abortion is always painful.

I couldn’t stop the choking tears when I watched “The Unplanned” movie portray the ultrasound images of the tiny baby pushing away, in pain, as the doctor literally suctioned and tore her little body to pieces. And a life ended.

But no life is ever the same that is touched by abortion. Not ever.

I’ve sat with dear friends, who thirty years later, still mourn the choice they made…men and women with abortion wounded hearts.

Abortion stops many hearts and also deeply wounds many hearts.

Because of Jesus, hope and healing is available to the post-abortive woman and man too. (A great ministry addressing this is goDeeperStill.Org)

Because God is full of rivers of grace and mercy, we know all hearts, when turned to Him, can be forgiven. Every one.

Abby Johnson, who is portrayed in the movie, Unplanned, states she was complicit in over 22,000 abortions at her time at just one Planned Parenthood Clinic.

Just one clinic.

Please let that sink in.

God’s Word tells us when Abby Johnson asked God to forgive her, He did exactly that and cleansed her from ALL unrighteousness (John 1:9) He remembers her sin no more. (Heb 8:12).

But Abby Johnson remembers it.

But instead of allowing the enemy to use it for evil, she is a force for good as she daily argues against the evils of abortion.

But this fight against evil is something we should all care about.

It is time, in real ways, for you and me, to come alongside those who are afraid and confused by unplanned pregnancies and be the loving hands and feet of Jesus.

Let’s use this anniversary of an awful day to be more committed than ever to love every life— both the unborn and the born. Let’s give to, and serve in, ministries who serve those facing unplanned pregnancies.

Let’s come alongside single moms struggling to provide for their kids. Let’s be the help they need. Let’s actively love on their kids.

Because they will know us and our Savior when they see love and help and not hate.

But let’s don’t deny the truth. Abortion stops a beating heart. It ends a precious life. It’s horrible and painful. Abortion is always wrong. One heart stops and one heart leaves with deep pain.

And let’s also truly be the hands and feet of Jesus to every life and every hurting heart. Let’s help them see there is a better way, a better choice, there is hope and there is healing!

Because of Jesus.

And let’s pray, right now, that the Lord will change the hearts and minds of those who, with the stroke of a pen, seek to make abortion more available and it’s pain more rampant in our country.


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